Friday 29 August 2008

Pick of the week: Clubs

Raindance Vs Pure Old Skool
Club Home, Luton
Saturday 16
One of the legendary name calling from the Second Summer Of Love joins forces with a young 'un for a large-looking overnight rave revival.

The Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
Saturday 16
Quietly becoming a identify to check in Nottingham, DJ Kid's fixes of carefully balanced hiphop, casimir Funk, soul and breaks strike the place in a most agreeable manner.

Rebellion & Deadlier Than The DJ
The Planet, Wolverhampton
Thursday 21
A bigger and more substantial midweek dose of alloy, punk and indie no sane person could be expected to find around these environs.

Quids Inn
Tom Peppers, Llanelli
Thursday 21
You pay �1 and then they let you in - hence the name. Pretty clever, eh? And pretty good value too. DJ Simon D is your convivial master of ceremonies, offering mainstream dance fare.

Void Vs Dumb-Unit
The Tower Belle, Bristol
Friday 22
Three-hour boat party around the docks to a techno soundtrack followed by more landbound tomfoolery late into the night. And all for �15 - bargain.

More info